Stage One 6.9/7.3 IDI Injectors

Stage One 6.9/7.3 IDI Injectors

  • $525.00
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The only performance IDI injectors with a 5 year unlimited mileage warranty, the Classic Diesel Design's stage one injectors use OEM Stanadyne bodies and nozzles featuring our proprietary extrude hone and edm nozzle modifications to improve fuel flow through the injector body and nozzle. By internally micro-polishing the injector passages and increasing the size of the entrance to the charge chamber, fuel is able to be injected in a greater volume, more quickly once pintle lift is achieved, this creates a more efficient combustion event without compromising pintle sealing, lift, or atomization.  

With our fuel injection systems, the volume of fuel injected into the pre chamber will ultimately be determined by the injection pump, but the modifications made to these injectors will help to get that extra added fuel from modified injection pumps into the prechamber in a very short injection cycle which makes for a crisp running, clean idling performance injector that will make less smoke and egts than our stock injectors while also improving performance.

For IDIs running more than 100cc we highly recommend the stage one injectors for improved egts, mileage and performance, however all CDD injection pumps are tested, flowed and spec’d with stock nozzles, meaning stock injectors can be used with any of our pumps and they will output as advertised, stage one injectors simply allow for more fuel to enter the pre-chamber quicker, which improves combustion and fuel delivery from the injection pump over the stock injectors. 

Other modified injectors on the market advertising similar injector modifications are actually grinding tips off of pintles or hand drilling nozzles out to 1/16” water hoses, which drastically compromises the atomization, nozzle/pintle longevity and spray pattern as well the ability to seal out compression gasses over time, which is why our stage one injectors are the only performance IDI injectors on the market with a 5 year unlimited mileage warranty. 

Inventory count denotes complete sets (of all 8 injectors) available for exchange and same day shipping.

  • If you would like to save on the core charge by sending cores upfront, the exchange injector set will be shipped immediately pending core reception if exchange units are in stock. 
  • If no inventory is shown for exchange sets, the option to send cores upfront for rebuilding will still be available, and the new set will be shipped as soon as the next batch has completed our proprietary rebuilding, pressure matching and testing processes. 
  • Injector batches are often completed in irregular patterns as replacement component  availability, ordering volume/batch size, core availability and labor availability for rebuilding are not constant so batches are not completed on a regular enough pattern to estimate exact turnaround times when out of exchange units, however we do everything we can to always maintain our stock injector inventory for immediate shipment year-round as well as a large core bank (See core buyback program) to minimize anyone’s down time.
  • Stage One injectors typically can run out of exchange units stock during periods of high demand and can have extended rebuild times due to nozzle modifications lead times. 

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